Principal's Message

"If you have knowledge let the other light their candles at it!”
It has indeed been a very fruitful year for all of us at Holy Wisdom School . While on one side we have seen personal development of both Teachers and Students alike, on the other hand the school has grown by leaps and bounds-both in quality as well as quantity.

At holy wisdom school we have always aimed at creating thinking individuals, inculcating a scientific temperament and finding solution to all issues cordially.

Within the few generation the world has changed by many folds. Education today is not only a device to help us get the required degrees but also create structures for us to adapt for a better tomorrow.

To have a share in the economic development we need knowledge both of subjects as well as value and this becomes the overall contribution of school education. As we say at Holy wisdom school.



Dear Parents, and Students,

In this era of cut throat competition, it is of paramount importance to impart an integrated education to the future leaders of the Nation for successfully facing the everyday challenges of life. Holy Wisdom School, therefore, lays special emphasis on both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities providing the students an edge over others to become winners in their respective field of activity.

The 'Rainbow' would be a true reflection of all these diverse achievements and progresses made and being made by the school in fulfilling the coveted goal of imparting disciplined and quality education. We take immense pride in success of every student of our school and always extend a warm and helping hand in bringing the best out of every student. We believe that every student is gifted with some unique talent and we always make an Endeavour to walk an extra mile to help the students discover their hidden talent so that they can realize their true potential.


  •  Consider things from all angles
  •  Don’t give up and don’t give in
  •  Avoid negative people, places, things and habits
  •  Believe in yourself
  •  Sin is whatever obscures the soul
  •  Give more than planned
  •  Cowards die many times before death
  •  Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon